Monday, April 22, 2013

Summer Menu Planning

Attention! My blog address has changed and I didn't really warn anyone. Sorry about that!

I am working on menu planning again over here. Several weeks ago I added a 4th week to my Original Menu Plan, and renamed it "Winter Menu Plan".

Because of course, warm days are coming sooner or later. Right? RIGHT?? So today I sat down to come up with a menu plan that skips the soups, stews and casseroles, and has lots of grilling and salads. I also wanted it to be a bit more simple than my Winter plan. We are outside lots more in the summer so that means less time to spend in the kitchen. And it makes sense to repeat certain meals every week, like on softball nights when we usually picnic. And who wouldn't want hamburgers every week?

This is an act of complete faith of course. It's nearing the end of the month when we do our budget and I plan my shopping lists for the first week of the next month. And it's snowing. Again. They're saying 8" - 10" this time. I am planning on starting the new Summer Menu Plan in May, whether it is actually over 50° outside or not.

Ladies and Gents, my 4 Week Summer Menu Plan

Once again, please note that the shopping list portion is not exhaustive.

I do not always add side dishes in the menu plan. I like to keep on hand a variety of frozen veggies, salad ingredients, etc., and go with the flow. But we always have at least one veggie dish, often two.

Here is my CAR Salad (Carrot Apple Raisin) Recipe 

And lastly, this menu plan isn't as paleo/low-carb adaptable as my winter plan (hello pasta salad!) but I think I can still stay low-carb most days if I'm careful. Which is kind of important if I'm going to lose my last 25 pounds or so.

What are your favorite warm-weather recipes?

1 comment:

  1. I'm getting ready to make a monthly meal plan this week ~ my first. We'll see how it goes. :)
