Thursday, August 9, 2012

This and That

I really would like to become a more regular blogger. I have lots of ideas for posts, and lots of pictures to share. I have never ever, since my first blog post at least 5 years ago, been good about it. Let's see if I can change that.

Anyway, it's just absolutely beautiful outside. We're having a hard time getting chores done on time, but as soon as we do we are heading out to pick green beans and tomatoes, and hopefully play with the puppy enough to wear him out a bit (yep, we have a puppy now). Then I have to figure out what to do with all the produce on hand! Someone gave us 12 ears of sweet corn a week ago, there's lots of veggies and fruits from the grocery store to eat up, and we have an abundance of tomatoes, yellow summer squash, green beans, basil, and peppers from the garden! If we could just have a few normal evenings and dinners at home it wouldn't be such a big deal but we've been gone or busy for quite a while now.

We actually decided to not go camping this weekend with our church, as originally was planned. We were really torn - it was so fun last year, and the weather is supposed to be a lovely 20° cooler this year. But stuff is just piling up around here, John will be on call - and we have been camping twice already in the past 3 weeks, with another trip later this month. So we decided it was more prudent to be responsible adults.

Sorry I have no pictures for this post. I'm out of time, plus our desktop crashed last week and we have yet to recover our files. But soon I hope to bring things up to date on what's been happening, including summer adventures, new puppy, the many things I love about our new home, and our latest almost-completed project!

PS - Trivia question: anyone know what the background pattern on my blog is called? I did some digging recently to find out as I'm thinking it would look great on a rug in our front room.