Monday, April 1, 2013

Bonus Blessings

What we loved about this house when we first looked at it was the layout, and location. No surprises there, that's what most people look for. But for a while now I've been wanting to post about all the bonuses that we loved at first sight, and that have continued to give us warm fuzzies in the almost-two-years since it became ours.
These are in no particular order:
1. Real wood fireplace. Oh the cozy nights - and mornings! - we have spent enjoying the crackle firewood burning, the wood smoke smell, roasting hot dogs and marshmallows, the warmth while we play games or read and eat popcorn. We had a gas fireplace for 4 years at a previous home - and that is certainly worlds better than no fireplace! Very convenient, clean, and warm. But real wood sure brings things up a notch in ambiance.

A mantel to decorate is always nice too!

2. The Big Shed Out Back. LOTS of extra storage for all our camping, hunting, gardening, sports, and play equipment. It also creates a nice landscaping element, and I plan a cottage-y garden around it.

3. Upright freezer. It's old, but it works great! Actually, we already have a huge reach-in chest freezer (which we put in the garage just off the kitchen) but we use both, and eventually when we have a side of beef, a deer or two, frozen produce and milk to put up....all that freezer space will come in right handy.

4. Refrigerator. As in, an extra one in the basement. It doesn't always get used, but it's usage has been increasing lately as I more and more buy produce and eggs in bulk.

5. Walk-in closet in the Master bedroom. LOVE it! We've shared smaller closets for so long, this has been wonderful.

6. Rhubarb plants, Lilacs, and Ferns - always nice when a house comes with desirable plants.

7. Swing set - quite like the one I had as a kid!

8. Lots of shelving in the garage. BOY has that been handy, and John is a big fan of neat and tidy garages!

9. What do you call it when the bathroom has two doors? Our has one opening to the hallway, and one to our bedroom. Not a private master bath, but the next best thing. I love that extra convenience. This is obviously a before picture.

10. Fenced-in back yard - this just tickles me pink. I can see my backyard from my bedroom, my kitchen sink, my dining room table and my living room couch - and it's completely fenced in for the dog and kids. Now they just need to get better at keeping themselves entertained out there for hours on end. Maybe by then the deck will be built and I can laze in the sun while they frolic and play.

We are very very grateful.


  1. so great. :-) I'm so glad for you guys!

  2. Awesome! What a great set up for you guys. Wonderful to be able to see the kids in the back yard from all those parts of the house, too. :)
    Sounds like you found a keeper!
