Monday, December 3, 2012

Menu Planning

9/3/13 Edit to add: I've come up with a somewhat more simplified menu! Fall/Winter Menu2

I just completed, late last night, what I thought would be a huge undertaking. And it wasn't. It was even kind of fun, but I'm silly like that. I made a 3-week menu plan, and accompanying shopping list, which we can keep repeating all winter until we're ready for more summery meals. My lovely and long-time friend Jenny over at Black Fox Homestead said I should post the meal plan on my blog, so I came here to dust off my poor neglected spot and share with you my genius plan.

I have just reached a point where I am TIRED of cooking. And planning. And shopping. I'm sure there are a lot of contributing factors, but I think a big one is how I've been trying to change over our dinners to be more healthy - fewer/no grains (or white potatoes, or beans), lots of veggies, and good proteins and fats. Call it low carb, call it paleo, whatever. It's definitely working to make us healthier, so I can't in good conscience go back to lots of refined carb-laden meals. But it's a little tiring after a while, coming up with meals that fit the bill.

I am not new to menu plans. I always have one, usually at least a few weeks worth. I've tried many sources of inspiration this year, and all have helped to some extent. Facebook, Pinterest, eMeals, Paleo websites, etc. I've gotten some great recipes and ideas. But what I keep coming across are meal plans with at least half of the meals being ones that my family just wouldn't like. I'm not that picky, I love variety. But I'm just tired of planning, shopping, and cooking for a meal that gets complaints. Also, I think variety has it's place but it was going overboard and I needed to simplify.

 Eating healthy is a lot more work. It costs more too, but to me both issues are WORTH IT. I just need to streamline things as much as possibly (cuz, you know, I have 3 kids and I homeschool). I can't cut out the shopping and cooking, but doing the planning ONCE for the whole season will not only take out guesswork, but eliminate a LOT of thinking. Because I have enough other stuff to think about.

All I did was sit down with a notebook and write down as many meals as I could think of that are general hits around here. Nothing fancy. I was shooting for just 2 weeks worth, but I came up with 14 meals and then remembered I don't really cook on Saturdays (pizza) and Sundays (leftovers or whatever). So I only needed one more meal to make enough for 3 weeks.

I try to make as few shopping trips as possible. Also, many of these meals can be doubled and frozen. They are not all low carb, paleo, or whatever, but most can be easily adapted. Add pumpkin to chili instead of beans. Tacos can be salad. Substitute spaghetti squash, sauteed kale, or other veggies for pasta. Bunless burgers. That kind of thing. And as you will see, some are "budget stretchers".

I think 3 weeks worth of meals allows for plenty of variety, but I still allowed for even more, as you will see some days have choices (particularly for meals that are similar, such as meatloaf and meatballs). Also, some are left vague on purpose, like chicken, or chowder. I can change what I do with those every 3 weeks.

Who knows, after giving this a trial I may cut out some meals or replace them with others. I'm sure it will get some tweaking but it's a great start!
Note that there are no recipes. Also, that the shopping list isn't inclusive. I included items I usually shop for every month for breakfasts and lunches, but did not include staples. And I'm sure I forgot some things.

Here ya go! (Sorry for being so wordy)
Winter Menu Plan

PS - Here is my recipe for CAR salad!


  1. I love it. What is CAR salad?

    1. You're the second person to ask, so I'll add it to the end of my post. :)

  2. Thanks, Elizabeth! I find myself in the same boat as far as getting tired of cooking, etc. I'll use some of your ideas.
